
Who is Nasir Ali?

Nasir Perspectives: Reshaping Narratives, Inspiring Journeys.

Welcome to Nasir Perspectives. I am Nasir Ali, a born fighter, tracing my roots back to a lineage of resilient Pathans. The chronicles of my life tell a tale of transformation, resilience, and adaptability. Born into a world of scarce resources, I had one weapon at my disposal: an unyielding spirit.

The story began in 2003, a year that would mark a turning point in my life. It was then that I, a young man with a dream, took a leap of faith, delving into the unknown realm of graphic design with nothing but a Pentium 1 computer. I viewed each challenge as a canvas for growth, a chance to refine my techniques and expand my skills.

As chapters unfolded, destiny led me to the grandeur of the UAE. It was not just a change of scenery, but a vast canvas that awaited my creative touch. Each role I undertook, each project I completed, added strokes of experience and growth to the evolving masterpiece of my life. Read more...

Then came a turning point that propelled my story forward: the establishment of my own business. A junction teeming with uncharted challenges and invaluable lessons. Yet, my persistence turned every stumbling block into a stepping stone, paving the way towards triumph.

Today, as the author of my journey, I stand committed to transforming challenges into opportunities. Each interaction, every lesson, has shaped my narrative and the person I am today.

Here, at Nasir Perspectives, you don't just find a range of services. Instead, you discover a tapestry woven from threads of graphic design, resume crafting, video editing, photography, and LinkedIn coaching. Each thread represents a skill I've mastered over the years, meticulously designed to help you reshape your narrative.

Among the patterns on this tapestry is a bold initiative aimed at transforming 1000 resumes. An endeavour that reflects my passion for helping others redefine their professional narratives and inspire them to set forth on their transformation journeys.

Join me as we co-create extraordinary stories, crafting compelling narratives that encapsulate your skills, experiences, and achievements. Let the flame of my journey ignite yours, and together, let's reshape your narrative, unlocking the potential within you.

The story of Nasir Ali isn't just about a resilient man who navigated the ebb and flow of life. It's about a man who embraced creativity, and with it, illuminated his path towards unparalleled success.

Welcome to Nasir Perspectives, where every day brings a new chapter of resilience, creativity, and success." - Nasir Ali, Founder of Nasir Perspectives Read less...

About Us

We at Nasir Perspectives,

Welcome to Nasir Perspectives, a sphere of boundless inspiration and transformative services. Within these digital walls, we offer a spectrum of creative mastery to elevate your professional journey. From captivating graphic design to crafting compelling resumes, and from weaving enchanting stories through video editing to preserving timeless memories with photography - we curate moments that leave a unique mark on your path to success.

Embrace the spirit of transformation as we co-create magic, infusing every pixel and frame with artistic brilliance. Your aspirations and dreams are the fuel that ignites our passion, driving us to lead you beyond limitations.

With Nasir Perspectives as your compass, you'll radiate confidence, seizing every opportunity that calls. Let us reshape your path for greatness and guide you towards the realm where dreams become reality.

Join us on this transformative journey where potential knows no bounds, whether you seek career advancement or entrepreneurial success.

Let Nasir Perspectives be your unwavering guide, lighting the path to your brightest achievements. Together, let's unlock your true potential and inspire the world, designing, capturing, and writing your extraordinary story.

"Unlock your true potential and inspire the world, as we co-create your extraordinary story."



What our Customers Says

At Nasir Perspectives, our customers' triumphs fuel our passion. Each success story is a testament to the transformative power of our services. From graphic design to resume crafting, video editing to photography, and LinkedIn coaching - our clients' dreams find wings and soar to new heights.

But don't take our word for it - hear it from our customers themselves!

“I'd like to express profound appreciation for Nasir's exceptional graphic design prowess. From our first interaction, I realized Nasir is a rare find. His design expertise is genuinely remarkable, making his creativity incomparable. The resume he created left me in awe. I urge him to maintain his kindness, continue his creative journey, and persist in making a positive impact with his extraordinary work. Nasir's talent is undeniably significant in the realm of graphic design.


Ramseenamol C A

System Administrator @BASF

“Two years of job hunting led me to Nasir's CV transformation service. Even though the process took a bit longer - Nasir offers this incredible service for free - the result was truly outstanding. His understanding of my career goals resulted in a refined CV that's boosted my confidence. Nasir's service isn't just about CV revamping; it's about reigniting hope. I highly recommend his expertise to all job seekers. Thank you, Nasir!


Jyothi K.

Bio science teacher @Century institutions

“Nasir is a graphic designer whose creativity knows no bounds. He has a unique ability to create original and captivating designs that are perfectly aligned with the message of each campaign, or personal brand. Nasir is an outstanding creative professional who demonstrates passion, intelligence and mastery in his work. His leadership, creativity and talent have left a huge impact on me and everyone who has worked with him, I highly recommend him to anyone looking for excellence in design.


Ioanna Petrochilou

Head of Talent Management and People Development